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Tag Archives: friend

“I’ll be there for you. Until you find someone better, find someone who can give you more, I’ll be there. I’ll always be there. Whether it’s late at night or early in the morning, you’ll always have me. I know that I’m not the greatest, I’m not the most talented, or have the most things, but I’ll be there, until you find someone who can do more for you. That’s who I am, the friend that’s always there until something better comes along.”

It’s sad to know how you went but know this, you have completed what you were sent here to do. Thanks for any and all your help. May they catch the guy who did this to you.

RIP Friend O_o

Everyday I shuffle through new music presented to me by colleagues, friends, DJ’s, and everyone else who composes and creates their own style. Each individual has there own unique style and I too one day hop to gain a style myself. I have to get back to work on some new contract material emailed to me. Until then, “Keep Shuffling!”


i was able to post a few pictures of of the party. what i didn’t want to say yesterday was i thought i would never release emotions like i did on the drive back home. i was super grateful for the opportunity that was presented to me. i was sad that i was leaving it all behind and having to get back to the real world. i took some advice from a friend who recommended some classes online and have started listening to the classes. it was a logic class and everything they were mentioning i had already learned in philosophy class. i am going to get to learning and filling my brain with knowledge because i miss school and am excited to go back. catch you later.


dear whomever it may concern,

my christmas wasn’t so great. but i am not going to complain, even though i received nothing i am still slightly grateful i was able to spend it with my family. my little brother wasn’t able to come home, now i know what he felt like when i or my older brother was not able to visit. i do understand times are tough, people got to work and stuff has to get done. i know i shouldn’t brag about how great this day is and i won’t because what would have made it complete would be my little brother show up. i was able to spend time with tumbler too, this has been one of the greatest day for tumbler though, he was spoiled with care, food, shelter and playtime. we are now getting ready to go to sleep and he is laying down at feet keeping them warm. i hope all go what they asked santa for. i know i did because i asked for nothing but to spend time with my family and dog. i hope friends received what i sent out to them in time. it is time to say my goodbyes and wake up fo another day closer to a new year. if you didn’t know i love you. i don’t know how to say it any better. i hope all had a great christmas and to all good night and sweet dreams.

thank you,



everything is messy today and has gone wrong today. i woke up late, i was out of food to make breakfast but i was still able to have my coffee, but the last errands i had to run got sidetracked because i was asked to go to the mall and try to find some stuff and to make a few payments. i got ready and headed out, it was horrible! i disliked it very much, there are not many things i dislike but this ranks up there. i felt claustrophobic everywhere i walked. people screaming and kids yelling and on top of that took me about half an hour to find parking. ugh. tomorrow is near, going to visit my friend and go to the gym. i hope all have a great day. see y’all later.


got a little bit of free time today to meet up with my friend and free up some overloaded brain cells. i still have a long way to go before i can officially rest. i am borderline about to have an anxiety break down. i skipped my running to try to get my work done. it helped a bit. but what isn’t helping are my wisdom teeth coming in and me having a headache because of it. it almost to the point where i would take some pliers and rip them out myself but the dentist already told me that if i mess with them and pull the main nerve, that it would hurt really bad. i am taking some pills to get rid of the pain for now and heading to bed, i have got my first final in the morning. i miss you folks. hope all had a good day. good night and sweet dreams.


have done all i can. have to wait and see what happens next. what a day, i am super tired and got lots to do tomorrow, i wish i didn’t but i do, last minute things to pick up before heading home. needing to go to sleep because if i don’t i am afraid i will not wake up on time in the morning. hope all had a good day and happy birthday to all my friends who had a birthday today. on that note, good night, sleep well and sweet dreams.


only have a few moment to write this but it has been a very busy day. lot of work. have stayed clear of the internet, had to turn off the wifi to work, i kept wanting to get distracted but by all means i prevailed. i was hit with epiphanies in the face today, literally. stuff is getting really heavy really fast. as if my mountains just blew up and are headed down the hill with an earth slide. you be safe out there, haven’t seen or talk to a few people that i would usually talk too. looks like every one is growing up and getting stuff done. miss you and love you(s). try to stay sane. school and work tomorrow. this is good night, sleep well and sweet dreams.


papers. papers. papers. so much trees being used up today. have stayed away from my computer all day until a few hours ago. today was just handed a boat load of work and on top of that i already have work to do for school. i decided to stay home and head to work early. they had told me to brace myself. i really thought they were joking. i was wrong. when someone sounds sincere they mostly are telling the truth. i was told what ever i didn’t finish to come in tomorrow to finish up. i didn’t want to decline the offer because i think it was a test to see how far i can be pushed, i did let them know even though it was a holiday i still had class to go to in the morning. i will be there after school to finish up. as the day came to an end i knew what was ahead. well not really because i got a feeling to read. read i did. it had been a while since looking at a few things, once you are blocked there is not much you can do but wonder. i tried wishing for certain things but when that failed me i started wishing for things to happen. in a way they were granted. i am very happy they did. i think that now that you are back in my life i can stop worrying about how you are and can ask you instead of imagining the worst. i am taking this leap to reach out in baby steps. i don’t want to ruin or rub the world in the wrong way. when you really left me it felt like the whole world did too. even my best friend stopped talking with me. no one was talking to me and i was going to school with no ambition to continue but i stuck with it because i have paid for classes out of my pocket and need them to graduate. but i can graciously say that today has gotten so much better. i think i just needed someone to spill some stuff too and before i texted you my best friend called me, but recently got in touch with me a few days before i went camping and has slightly refrained from being distant. i have seen too many papers for a day that i am taking a break from writing my reports and going to bed. it is tmie for bed and you have made my day from crappy to way way way better. i do wish i could say something but i wont. thanks. have a great night and very much sweet dreams. missed you so.


today was another busy sunday. it all started this morning when i was dreaming, the dream was of my recent visit to the zoo, it was a view from the past, what was crazy was the i was looking for a document in one of my folders and the picture i took was there. i looked at the date and it was the same, it was a year ago today. after that the whole day consisted of reminders of everything. when i was woken up by tumbler to go out for his business i bundled up, it was a bit chilly, came back in and since it was early i decided to make a tea, after the tea i was going to watch television when all of a sudden i had passed out and fell asleep again. during this sleep the dreams got sweeter, they were great, all three of them you were incorporated with some how. in a way it was great because since i haven’t seen you and i miss you, every know and then i remember the good time we had, even just the little random spur of the moments. but i think what hurt most was losing you as a friend. as the dreams came to an end i was woken up by tumbler snoring, yeah dogs snore. lol. i got up and made me some tacos and got to writing my report papers for work. started on some notes for class and got through the first chapter, i hope what i thought would be on the next test is relevant to what i wrote down. after a while before i knew my parents wanted to have dinner, me and my aunt ran to the store and got some things for the week. while in the store we passed by the coffee isle and i was struck with the sudden urge to get coffee; another thing you brought to my attention that i never thought of doing myself, as i passed by i could smell all of the coffee but could smell one more then all the others, it had vanilla smell to it and i was in search for it, it had taken me a while but it was behind another pack. it smelt really good and am excited to be trying it. after getting home and sorting everything my parents arrived shortly after and i got ready in a flash and headed out to dinner. i normally used to over indulge but after getting in the habit of eating normal portions i got full faster. it was as if my stomach muscles shrunk. lately i get full faster. i just hope i can continue and keep dieting to see what is next for me. after getting home a little while ago i had to start getting ready for bed, i feel so old going to sleep really early but i guess that is what happens as you get older. i hope all had a good day. hope you are well. good night and sweet dreams.



what an adventurous day. this morning around five or six i woke up to a freezing body, the cold had really set in. i was covered up completely but still being motionless the would just rise and since we had no heater or fire me and my friend were cold. finally after trying to warm up i hoped out of the tent and started the fire. we were prohibited to start one because of the burn banned that was in effect but i had to make some breakfast. after starting up the fire i woke my friend to come join me to get closer to the fire so he wouldn’t be cold, moments later after joining me we were both warm enough to move around.

we started cooking. we ate and then began talking of what was next. after a little while we bagan to pack up and turn off the fire. there were too many coals and the rock pit we rocks we had used to make the pit were too hot and we had just turned it out and left it there for the next patron to acquire our site to use it.

after everything was packed up and consolidated we headed back with our walking sticks. the sticks helped out from going forward or backwards on the steep hills. after that hike with more stuff then we came in with we arrived to the car about thirty minutes later. we saw a lot of people heading the opposite direction and were heading up the mountain. i wished i could have stayed for longer but couldn’t. future plans of a trip are around the corner. this time we know what to bring. there is also planning of possibly bringing others with us next time.

on our drive back i was able to take more pictures. some were slightly blurry but i did what i could on my phone. after getting home i was able to relax. after letting my parents know i got home safely i was told to change and get ready to go to my little cousins birthday party. i really didn’t want to go from being exhausted. i went. had some food and just wanted to get back home, was dropped off and turned on the television. a movie came on that i have never seen before and i watched it. it was funny and good mind you it was an animated movie. most animations are funny to me either way. lol.

it is late already and i am super tired. got some homework to do tomorrow and a few paper and notes to do. i hope all had a great day. good night and sweet dreams.
