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Tag Archives: take

i am writing in this way too early. it is nine at night and i am already falling asleep. i partially blame the medicine that i was taking. i produced and edited two songs today, took me just about all day. i had lost track of time on the most recent one for a tribute to tron: legacy the movie. the other song airplanes is still my favorite song and i figured why not. they came out good, different from what you would normally hear but good. i hope all are doing well. stay safe out there kiddos. time for me and my happy feeling medicine to sleep. good night and sweet dreams. take care.


i have no idea where this came from. it feels like i got hit in front of my face with a small car. i don’t think i am getting sick because it has been a really long time, about a year. just took some medicine and i hope it helps and make me feel better for the morning. it was a good day. well more like a great day. =) except for a flat i got while on campus at school. kind of glad it happend now. i hope you have a good night and sweet dreams. yeah. you! you right there. =)


i’m beat, had the craziest day ever; well that’s a little over-exaggerated but it was busy. i woke up and got ready for school, or so i thought. well, i was ready to go but my parents arrived at the house. me and my mom started talking while i was having my breakfast and coffee, my dad had left and it was just me and my mom, we had got to talking and by the time i knew it i was already ten minutes late to class, i decided since it was friday and i have been busting my arse these several days that i would enjoy these two hours talking with my mom. talk we did. i began to change and started getting ready for work. moments later i was off, drove through the final stages of the morning traffic before lunchtime traffic.

after my drive i arrived to work, made it all the way through the hallways and finally entered the office and signed in. i said my hellos to the staff and moments later i was asked if i was busy or was working on anything and repled with letting them know i had no work at that moment. then it hits me, just like i saw on television about someone saying the the place was quiet and then it erupted in people just flooding in. that same thing happened but instead of people flooding my desk, a bunch of files appeared. i got to work and work and work. grabbed a bite and returned. as i worked through the day i was done early and then was given more work to complete. i did finish but i had to stay an extra hour, as i walked outside it was already dark. the drive home wasn’t as bad as it is during rush hour but there were more cars then usual. i finally arrived home and had another bite and strait to work i got. well i am no where near finished but i am already tired and have to work tomorrow too. it should be interesting, a job that never sleeps. it’s time to sleep. good night, be safe, sleep well and sweet dreams.


today was another busy sunday. it all started this morning when i was dreaming, the dream was of my recent visit to the zoo, it was a view from the past, what was crazy was the i was looking for a document in one of my folders and the picture i took was there. i looked at the date and it was the same, it was a year ago today. after that the whole day consisted of reminders of everything. when i was woken up by tumbler to go out for his business i bundled up, it was a bit chilly, came back in and since it was early i decided to make a tea, after the tea i was going to watch television when all of a sudden i had passed out and fell asleep again. during this sleep the dreams got sweeter, they were great, all three of them you were incorporated with some how. in a way it was great because since i haven’t seen you and i miss you, every know and then i remember the good time we had, even just the little random spur of the moments. but i think what hurt most was losing you as a friend. as the dreams came to an end i was woken up by tumbler snoring, yeah dogs snore. lol. i got up and made me some tacos and got to writing my report papers for work. started on some notes for class and got through the first chapter, i hope what i thought would be on the next test is relevant to what i wrote down. after a while before i knew my parents wanted to have dinner, me and my aunt ran to the store and got some things for the week. while in the store we passed by the coffee isle and i was struck with the sudden urge to get coffee; another thing you brought to my attention that i never thought of doing myself, as i passed by i could smell all of the coffee but could smell one more then all the others, it had vanilla smell to it and i was in search for it, it had taken me a while but it was behind another pack. it smelt really good and am excited to be trying it. after getting home and sorting everything my parents arrived shortly after and i got ready in a flash and headed out to dinner. i normally used to over indulge but after getting in the habit of eating normal portions i got full faster. it was as if my stomach muscles shrunk. lately i get full faster. i just hope i can continue and keep dieting to see what is next for me. after getting home a little while ago i had to start getting ready for bed, i feel so old going to sleep really early but i guess that is what happens as you get older. i hope all had a good day. hope you are well. good night and sweet dreams.



had a busy day, a busy one that i was constantly jumbling trying to do four things at once. i had files i had to see, read, file and anything else you do with a government file. all the information was small that i had to keep constantly keep looking at what i was doing. it wasn’t as difficult as they said it would be, i got it done as fast and neatly as i could, i ran over a few files that surprised me, i thought for a few moments they were a conflict. as i continued to close it it wasn’t. it is that kind of information that i valuable to all. i could get in a lot of trouble for making a copy or even taking it out the office. these files contain a lot of personal information that is not public knowledge as some records are now-a-days. after lunch i had many more files to do. i had to stay later then usual to finish up. i have an insane day tomorrow. i don’t think any of my busy days will compare to any of my other busy days. going to have to take it one piece at a time. here goes. time to sleep. good night and sweet dreams.


today was…well, a pushy day, i had to push through everything to stay on task; like turn off my computer and put phone away. hide myself from the world for a few hours to get notes read and readings done for my test tomorrow. my brain is a little worn out right now and my body feels it. i feel drained. it amazes me that the readings are right. couldn’t believe it but now i do. think i will keep reading them. the study group went alright, i really wish there were more coffee shops that were open everyday, twenty four seven. make me miss bennu. on top of worrying about the test i had a big scare with tumbler, he was being lazy and was lethargic all day, he wasn’t eating and wouldn’t get up and i though he might be getting parvo again, but no vomiting this time. thank god. my dad-like qualities came out, i tried everything to get him better. i am glad to report that he is doing better and my worry is gone from him now and shifted back to my test. hope everyone had a good sunday, i tried too. the week is over and now time to start a new week. it will be a very busy week for me, i will be up and down the city.still have lots to do. i wish everyone a good night and sweet dreams.


well even today as crazy as it was couldn’t have gone any other way. i was able to send out some emails to a few takers and just waiting on their response. (keeping fingers crossed) having to go on to other things but in the mean time trying to get every right. in the morning was able to make a few tacos for a quick bite and then hit the books. took a few breaks while studying, well more like a long break, caught a movie and then went back to the books.

“i am responsible. determined. driven. & committed. i am history in the making.”

i was went crazy when the little one showed up. and was able to spend some time with the family all together, clean, organize and get everything done before the week starts. has been a good week and a new one is about to begin soon. 😉 que todos tengan una buena noche y que sueñen el sueño.

el sueño O_o

today didn’t go as expected, i didn’t expect what actually happened. i have been taken responsibility for my words that come out of my mouth and will stick to what i say. no more holding back. it is time to do what i said i was going to do (you know), i have been wrecking my brain. even though opinions are out there i have to see both sides of everything now. time to buckle down and find my meaning in this life. got to take these small steps one at a time. “if at first you don’t succeed get up and try again.” i hope i can keep this promise as we discussed a while back. =o)

to a brain thinking O_o