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Tag Archives: history

well even today as crazy as it was couldn’t have gone any other way. i was able to send out some emails to a few takers and just waiting on their response. (keeping fingers crossed) having to go on to other things but in the mean time trying to get every right. in the morning was able to make a few tacos for a quick bite and then hit the books. took a few breaks while studying, well more like a long break, caught a movie and then went back to the books.

“i am responsible. determined. driven. & committed. i am history in the making.”

i was went crazy when the little one showed up. and was able to spend some time with the family all together, clean, organize and get everything done before the week starts. has been a good week and a new one is about to begin soon. 😉 que todos tengan una buena noche y que sueñen el sueño.

el sueño O_o

i had an interesting day today, it all started with my dreams, i can vaguely remember them now but while sleeping my dreams went good to bad and just kept going on and on until i was woken up to tumbler (my dog) from his loud barking. his bark was so loud it echoed and the floor nearly ate me alive; not really but i did almost fall off; which is kind of funny to me for obvious reasons. i was up way to early but miraculously stayed awake and got up; as if something came over me. got ready and took off to school, all the nervousness i was feeling the whole week before disappeared the moment i put my car in park. =] i found my class right away, i wasn’t in the traffic jam like i was seeing. i didn’t know music was important to everyone, i think i saw just about everyone today wearing headphones; yeah, even me. i just had a little inspirational music playing. while in class, i felt relieved; to say the least. i had forgotten how good it feels to be sitting in a classroom, summer school really wasn’t the same feel. i felt energized! alive even! as my professor went over the class, i was excited, i was in the class that i had been dreading until now. i just found out what we were learning about and it hits me!!! i really like this time in history, not to say that other history is bad but the renaissance is another favorite time period. lets see what happens tomorrow. new class tomorrow followed by many people to see and talk with.

ecstatic state O_o

i wasn’t to badly hurt today, the burnt skin went away for the most part on my shoulders but i was still radiating heat from my nose, i looked like rudolph the red nose reindeer; not really but might as well have looked like him. lol  it’s been tough these past two days, but i have survived not including the burns, nicks, cut and bruises that will show up later. and on that note i just got word during dinner that we are going through the summer solstice already; the hottest days of summer. epic! in a way i have the burns to prove it. the day didn’t turn into a disaster like i thought it would, but i almost didn’t wake up early this morning :-\  i was just sore. i needed pickle juice to heal my muscle aches. but it was me, my dad and little brother working together. as the day went through; the radio was great to me, only had to change it once, well twice if you count going back to previous station. it was a great mixxx throughout the whole day, there were songs that i didn’t even understand what it was about, any-who, as the carried on i got to learn some family history, turns out i am one fourth indian, not sure what tribe but only time will tell. also, that my great grandfather had blue eyes and was from spain and that my dad has about six to eight different last names; just from my dads’ side of he family. i was secretly putting my first name in front of all of them and my last name now seemed to be the only one that had a great ring to it. hahahaha sorry dad. every song seem to hit the spot, even the remixes i heard, it was great! but in conclusion i survived, one more day or maybe two and then i get to fix more stuff. hooray! (sarcasm at it finest) but what can you do?!

survival of the fittest O_o