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Tag Archives: crazy

has got to have been one of my worst days ever. let’s just say it wasn’t my day and everything went the opposite direction then normal. first off, i slept in from class, i went to work and had a half day which was sprung on me, kind of wanted to work to distract myself from the things to come. after work i realized i was running really low and the next gas station wasn’t until many exits away, finally when i was able to reach the gas station my car began pulling left, once that happens i know i am getting a flat tire. as i got out sure enough it was low. as i was finishing up i had forgotten to do something and had an embarrassing moment i will never be able to live down, i laugh now but at that time was ridiculed by a stranger. after that i had to run to the store and it was crowded like no other. i guess i was just mad and aggravated from the gas station i took it out on some people driving. i just wanted to get home and forget about the day. on the drive home it was the longest drive in the world because of everyone trying to see what happened at an accident that was up ahead. i finally got home about two hours later. once i got home i was finally able to relax. did a few things to take my mind off of things. then it was sleepy time. hope all had a better day. good night and sweet dreams.


i’m beat, had the craziest day ever; well that’s a little over-exaggerated but it was busy. i woke up and got ready for school, or so i thought. well, i was ready to go but my parents arrived at the house. me and my mom started talking while i was having my breakfast and coffee, my dad had left and it was just me and my mom, we had got to talking and by the time i knew it i was already ten minutes late to class, i decided since it was friday and i have been busting my arse these several days that i would enjoy these two hours talking with my mom. talk we did. i began to change and started getting ready for work. moments later i was off, drove through the final stages of the morning traffic before lunchtime traffic.

after my drive i arrived to work, made it all the way through the hallways and finally entered the office and signed in. i said my hellos to the staff and moments later i was asked if i was busy or was working on anything and repled with letting them know i had no work at that moment. then it hits me, just like i saw on television about someone saying the the place was quiet and then it erupted in people just flooding in. that same thing happened but instead of people flooding my desk, a bunch of files appeared. i got to work and work and work. grabbed a bite and returned. as i worked through the day i was done early and then was given more work to complete. i did finish but i had to stay an extra hour, as i walked outside it was already dark. the drive home wasn’t as bad as it is during rush hour but there were more cars then usual. i finally arrived home and had another bite and strait to work i got. well i am no where near finished but i am already tired and have to work tomorrow too. it should be interesting, a job that never sleeps. it’s time to sleep. good night, be safe, sleep well and sweet dreams.


been crazy busy and i am the coffee isn’t helping to keep me up, have gone just about everywhere in my head to reach the answers to write these reports. some are okay to write but the others are getting a bit more difficult when writers block is creeping up really slowly, i just feel it. got to get back to these reports for school and work. hope all had a good day. good night, be safe, sleep well and sweet dreams.


today has been a wake up call above all other things. all happened during work. what i did was nothing compared to what i have done before, i was able to sit in with a few families and saw how things could possibly take a turn for the worse. i could relate to some of the things going on but some of the other things i couldn’t relate too. i was sort of shocked of what was told to me by strangers i have never met before. everyone beat around the bush and said i looked liked a trustworthy person and that’s why they were able to talk to someone like me. with the confidentiality agreement i had signed i was to report any harmful actions to one self or others. luckily what i was told wasn’t life threatening, it was mostly just a cry to be heard. some of the stories were a little tough to hear but it got me thinking that if i can possibly fix my problems i would be open to help others who are going through some of the little things i was and have been struggling with. i got to talking and listening to one case, wow did i feel bad for the kid, the parent wasn’t making an attempt but the child wanted to better themselves and the parent was just being ignorant that it made the child feel embarrassed to say the least. i did all in my power that i could today and felt like i made a difference in their lives and possibly the parents. as i got home i just wanted to rest but knew i couldn’t. stuff had to get done. as i ended up being done my parents were over and started cooking. i like having family dinners. i really do enjoy them, we are a lively crowd of crazy people, in my thoughts; well maybe as others see us too. lol. who knows?! i am getting to tired to keep writing. stay safe. good night and sweet dreams.


today was the day of the camping trip, me and my best friend took off after class was cancelled. work already knew I would be heading out of town. it was about a two to three hour drive the get there. we saw a lot of lush vegetation and a lot of different colored trees and plants. when we arrived we stretched and headed inside and filled out what needed to be filled. we were given a map and the we were expecting to drive up to the camp site when we discovered that we couldn’t drive anymore and had to park and hike up the rocks to the camp site. we parked and popped the trunk.
we grabbed what we needed, we just grabbed the essential for a campsite. i had recently acquired my tent from my brother, it is huge, it can hold twelve people comfortably and maybe more for a crammed bunch. we realized that it was going to be a bit of a hike. it was a three mile hike with about fifty pounds or more of extra weight for each of us.
we talked all the way up the hike about work mostly and the stuff that’s been going on since last seeing each other. we finally arrived and were low on water supply. these camp site were really secluded and nothing like the ones I had gone too a very long time ago. these didn’t have the special emanates of water or shower or even water stations near by. they’re were way different, some of the sites were primitive with nothing around, there we also others that had water and electricity hook-ups and the others were you could have brought a trailer or recreational vehicle to park.
we set up camp and after also being low on food we decided to head back through the hills and to the car to leave the park and head to the gas station about twenty minutes before the site. we got quick things to eat and two gallons of water and paid and returned to the camp site because we had left the tent set up and our belongings. we parked. we tried to pack what we had and consolidated what we could. we hiked up the mountain to returned back to the tent. on arrival there was still no one around. we did see a few people walking back to the parking lot but no one going any father along the trail.
for dinner i opened a can of ranch style beans and ate some cheetos an chased it down with water that we had brought. we got to open up way more then we usually have since we didn’t have any electronics to mess with; it was just us and nature. our conversations got pretty deep. after all that I am here in my sleeping bag writing this out. it was crazy and one of the most adventurous thing I have done in a while. I think it is time for me to get some shut eye. I hope y’all had a great day. good night and sweet dreams.


today was a crazy day. i got to class went through that. and then headed to work, worked started off with a tour of the facilities i have never seen before. it was very interesting since they had me doing a couple of thing when i started and have stayed with that. everyone has been really nice. have been treated well. as the day went on i was called in and showed how their system works. it is very simple yet very complex, everything is jumbled together and really hard to read but i managed. [update] I was also shown how to write formal letters to send out, how to fill out contracts for the parent and juvenile to sign. there was so much information thrown at me, most of it good but I began observing my other coworkers and they began giving me hints an tips on how to speak formally to the parents so if need be I could negotiate in case something were to go wrong. after that was over I was signed out and headed to the other job. there I was given a few hours to finish up what I needed to get done. I am done with that. after that was over I started talking with the main supervisor to see what would happen next, my only concern was the overlapping of both places but everything has turned out okay. after that was over I headed home. and the rest is what most people say is history in a sense that now I know how it feels like when someone has to work for two jobs, it is very though. I will keep trying and as far as I know my night is over. good night and sweet dreams.


had to stop the press. today was a quiet day in a sense that i kept to myself. well not really but every situation and task i was put in i was sent to do alone. in a way it was nice but then at the same time i had no one to converse with. it wasn’t until after lunch. i was able to see my mom for lunch that everything just came as a wave of everyone wanting to talk with me. i have some crazy theories but i am sure they are true about good vibes. i had to stop my doing my homework to check my schedule. i have never done that but i now have my calendar filled up, continuing to be busy, it may even be that i might be heading out of town again for the sixth time. i have been gone every weekend. it is crazy. every time i go something has do done. have to wait until friday to confirm. well today will be a way early night, i am already falling asleep. hope all had a good day. good night and sweet dreams.


what a day. i am exhausted. i kept waking up last night after every ninety minutes, it was just for a brief minute or two then fell back asleep. i think it was from being paranoid and all the crazy new i had heard from yesterday. i was once told “you can not un-know something.” with yesterday i think i was inspired to really work harder in everything i do. i sometimes wonder why bad things happen to us when we do no wrong to others. but those are just brief moments when i have time to think. lately i have been really busy. school and work is taking over my life now. i am awaiting a very important phone call. i think i was called but i never answer a unknown number. if you want me to answer just show your number, i will be more then happy to answer. i know what is nearing, i have been overwhelmed with so many things that i have come to realize that i do miss quite a few things in my life, not to mention the dreams i have had; they continue and always surprise me in the morning. i know it sucks because i had everything i ever wanted. i know they say the heart wants what the heart wants. i know what i want but can’t have it. i have tried ever so much. i do not know what to do anymore. i miss you like crazy. i have never said anything until now. done with home work for now. time to get some rest. tomorrow is another long day. stay safe. hope all had a good day. good night and sweet dreams.

agua O_o

today was crazy. was a busy day to say the least. i woke up late for the first time ever and slept through class, i think because i was cold last night and my hibernation mode kicked in. I was almost late to work but arrived and was put straight to work. even though I was almost late I had explained what happened. they understood and got to work. i was very easily distracted, everything just caught my attention, it was as if my attention span was shortened down to about thirty seconds. it was quite hilarious. a coworker saw me and said I looked so lost, we joked about it and finally got to focusing. arrived home and was exhausted, I wanted to nap but stayed watching television. turned it off and hit the books. a while later my friend called to pick up a movie i had and one i borrowed from him and we just got to talking about work, school and life. it was a very inspiring conversation and then he took off. it is now time for me to sleep, it is way early and very tired. have a good night and happy dreaming.


is it crazy to say that my life just flashed before my eyes. what a day of doing everything i can, i know there is more meaning to this world and i am bound to find out what it will be. whoever enjoys a journey follow it, now you can’t say no one never told you as it has been told to me.

“it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you will be”

no matter what, i shoot for the small to make the climb to the bigger. because what if fine isn’t good enough? what if what we search for is extraordinary. i am scared; everyday. our time is right here! right now! give it your all because there may not be another opportunity like the one that is in front of you. i just had this sort of feeling stir up in me these past few hours because the first step to better times is to imagine them. hope all had a wonderful day. may all have a good night and dream that dream.


well even today as crazy as it was couldn’t have gone any other way. i was able to send out some emails to a few takers and just waiting on their response. (keeping fingers crossed) having to go on to other things but in the mean time trying to get every right. in the morning was able to make a few tacos for a quick bite and then hit the books. took a few breaks while studying, well more like a long break, caught a movie and then went back to the books.

“i am responsible. determined. driven. & committed. i am history in the making.”

i was went crazy when the little one showed up. and was able to spend some time with the family all together, clean, organize and get everything done before the week starts. has been a good week and a new one is about to begin soon. 😉 que todos tengan una buena noche y que sueñen el sueño.

el sueño O_o

well today was more a surprise for me to say the least. i was actually up and ready to go to class in the morning. i was actually intrigued about what we were about to go over during this semester. it shall be a learning and reading semester but i actually don’t mind it now. reading is exciting when it will help me out in my humanities class. two of my classes go hand in hand; which is awesome. as the day progressed, water flowed that i never expected, it was refreshing. i didn’t mind it at all, it was needed. the day continued full of organization and preparation for what was to come. i am sure i was blamed for it, i am always at fault, when in fact this time it wasn’t me. but any who enough of that. finally finished up and went onto next thing that needed to be completed. filling out papers. it was just so repetitive, been filling out papers all the time, today wasn’t anything new or special but my life; in a odd way; depends on it. even though it is blazing hot outside today, i had to wear a jacket; i know i am crazy, no need to remind me anymore, but the downstairs classrooms are always freezing in the morning and this time i had the last laugh when everyone was complaining about how cold it was. guess what i did? c’mon guess? oh alright, uhh… [wait for it, pause for dramatic effect] i rolled down my sleeves. hahaha. i was warm and toasty but once i left class, up my sleeves went yet again. i think my humanities class should be very interesting. i actually want to lern this stuff and people said it was blow off class pbbt. i beg to differ, this i think is my most challenging class yet of my years in college. let’s do this thing. hope all had a great day, but for me it is time for me to finish up here and get to bed, got school really early tomorrow. have a great rest of the day folks & i hope your day went well. gracias para todo. ciao.
