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Tag Archives: lazy

today was my lazy sunday, woke up at all kinds of time and kept falling back asleep. i did get my rest in but it was a slow kind of day with nothing to do but clean and pick up while listening to my ipod. throughout the day my jaw and filling were bothering me, i had a weird feeling, very difficult to explain and i wouldn’t know where or how to begin. it is already late and have to take care of some stuff for tomorrow. i hope all had a great day. time for me to sleep. good night and sweet dreams.



oh happy day! i woke up really early, at eight in the morning to be exact. wasn’t feeling well and decided to go back to bed, it was really cold and i was too comfortable in bed. slept in a little long with tumbler until he needed to go out for his morning business trip. was feeling lazy and hopped back into bed. i actually fell asleep and wasn’t planning too. i woke up around noon and just laid in be lifeless and again tumbler had to go out for more business. it is great how we are connected, he sleeps in and i do too; i get up and so does he. i had to get up to make some lunch, ate at the table and jumped back into bed to watch some tv. i received a text and i thought it was a reminder and it was you. had a great conversation and then i got an urge to read and drink coffee. i did for a little bit and then lost the urge once i finished my second cup. i saw my computer and used the notes and constructive criticism i got from patrons and went to work. i was able two complet two project, an extended version of a song and a remastered one. so far it has been a good evening can’t really say that for the morning. lol. i’m already yawning way too much and i am going to call it a night.. be safe out there. have a good night and sweet dreams.



felt like a lazy sunday, sort of, i decided not to mess with the application anymore and got the smart idea of just emailing the text to myself and sending the attachment tomorrow at the library before dropping off the paperwork for my internship. after re-reading some of my inputs i decided i needed more and wrote, i wrote a little something on the side too. for work i actually took time to edit all my work and check time sheets and anything i would be turning in. i want it perfect. my grade depends on it. i hope all had a good day, time for me to catch some z’s. sleep tight and be safe out there. good night and sweet dreams.



today was…well, a pushy day, i had to push through everything to stay on task; like turn off my computer and put phone away. hide myself from the world for a few hours to get notes read and readings done for my test tomorrow. my brain is a little worn out right now and my body feels it. i feel drained. it amazes me that the readings are right. couldn’t believe it but now i do. think i will keep reading them. the study group went alright, i really wish there were more coffee shops that were open everyday, twenty four seven. make me miss bennu. on top of worrying about the test i had a big scare with tumbler, he was being lazy and was lethargic all day, he wasn’t eating and wouldn’t get up and i though he might be getting parvo again, but no vomiting this time. thank god. my dad-like qualities came out, i tried everything to get him better. i am glad to report that he is doing better and my worry is gone from him now and shifted back to my test. hope everyone had a good sunday, i tried too. the week is over and now time to start a new week. it will be a very busy week for me, i will be up and down the city.still have lots to do. i wish everyone a good night and sweet dreams.


what a day today has been! got up for school, was slightly lazy getting ready and cost me some time. made it to school on time right when my professor did too. learned a lot of new stuff, stuff i didn’t even know from way back in the day. lol. after school went strait to work. got out and was kind of tired of seeing books but i had to stay off the computer and get to work. doing my homework, that is. got my readings done, took some notes and listened to my recordings of class in case i didn’t miss anything. ;o] i am here now trying to type this out quickly just in case i fall asleep early; which all signs are pointing to yes. i feel exhausted and tired; i guess that’s how life really is. might as well start getting used to it because i am no where near being done. hope all had a good day, i am fine now, i think. have a wonderful night and sweet dreams.
