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Tag Archives: happy

Before I forget and don’t get a chance to say this, from my absence for a while; Happy Holidays, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, Happy Birthday and Happy Anything Else I have may forgotten in between now and the moment I return.

Much Love O_o

a thunder stormed rolled in while i was sleeping, it was very random as my whole day has been. i went up for a cup on the top shelf and twist the wrong way of some sort and pop my shoulder socket. there was some pain and i quickly bumped into the door frame just in case i had dislocated my shoulder. throughout the day i had sharp pain through my shoulder. the aspirin i took wasn’t working and quite possibly needed something stronger. i also was trying to be reintroduced to a clown that haunted my dreams when i was really young and to this day still creeps me out. good night and happy dreams.



i first off have to say happy new years everyone, twenty-ten was good to me and i hope twenty-eleven will grant me all the wishes i have ever asked for in the past. i need to thank everyone for inviting me and making the masquerade baller happen. it is early and i am already awake. i was surprised as most people were during the party, i was nervous for the whole day and was in need of some help, with a simple conversation i was finally able to calm down, thank for your help. going to head to breakfast and enjoy the new year. i meant everything i told you. have a great day. =)


what a day! woke up and had to do a few loads of laundry. nothing drastic but it had to be done. since the new year is around the corner i haven’t cut my hair in a few weeks. while i was there i was looking at a hair book, thought i would change it up a bit but i didn’t have enough hair to complete some of the new looks i decided to keep it plain and simple. before i got up the barber asked me if i wanted a design since i had cut it like a few people who ask for the request i asked for. it reminded me of a day you showed me a picture and i joked around saying i would. it made me laugh and giggle for a little while. my brother wanted me to put lightning bolts, as cool as it sounds i don’t think i would ever do it. during that i received a phone call from my brother and had to call him back. when i did he gave me some great news. i have to prepare a few things and i have an early morning departure from home. i get to be put to work for the new year. i am very grateful for this. i hope all had a good day and happy early-ish birthday. =) time for me to sleep. good night and sweet dreams.



oh happy day! i woke up really early, at eight in the morning to be exact. wasn’t feeling well and decided to go back to bed, it was really cold and i was too comfortable in bed. slept in a little long with tumbler until he needed to go out for his morning business trip. was feeling lazy and hopped back into bed. i actually fell asleep and wasn’t planning too. i woke up around noon and just laid in be lifeless and again tumbler had to go out for more business. it is great how we are connected, he sleeps in and i do too; i get up and so does he. i had to get up to make some lunch, ate at the table and jumped back into bed to watch some tv. i received a text and i thought it was a reminder and it was you. had a great conversation and then i got an urge to read and drink coffee. i did for a little bit and then lost the urge once i finished my second cup. i saw my computer and used the notes and constructive criticism i got from patrons and went to work. i was able two complet two project, an extended version of a song and a remastered one. so far it has been a good evening can’t really say that for the morning. lol. i’m already yawning way too much and i am going to call it a night.. be safe out there. have a good night and sweet dreams.



i am writing in this way too early. it is nine at night and i am already falling asleep. i partially blame the medicine that i was taking. i produced and edited two songs today, took me just about all day. i had lost track of time on the most recent one for a tribute to tron: legacy the movie. the other song airplanes is still my favorite song and i figured why not. they came out good, different from what you would normally hear but good. i hope all are doing well. stay safe out there kiddos. time for me and my happy feeling medicine to sleep. good night and sweet dreams. take care.


i have been asked what i want for christmas several times this whole week and my answer keeps to continue to be the same. what i really want can’t be bought. i don’t need anything because i have everything. this year i am not going to want anything. there are a few things i would like but for someone to get me them would probably break the bank, i don’t want that to happen, so i will wait till i can gather enough money to buy them on my own. something as small as a keychain would suffice for me. today was way better then yesterday, my parents had to go out of town again to see my uncle and drop stuff off. it kept me worried for the moment until i received a text saying everything went well and were safely on their way back home. once they did arrive i was happy again. i just stayed in watching weeds with my older brother and had my coffee in the afternoon because i didn’t have it in the morning. i am sleepy for some reason already and it is early. hope all have a safe night. good night and sweet dreams to you.



everything was good, i was okay with the family, we were all laughing and what not while eating turkey. once we were done i sat down on the couch, watching my little brother pack his clothes and waiting to say goodbye because he had to work for black friday and he lives far away. while he was almost done we got a phone call, i could hear someone talking on the phone saying okay we will be there right away. i knew it wasn’t anybody from my family because we were all accounted for. it turns out it was a distant family member and they were in town and they were lost. automatically i was thrown in the pool to go get them and take them where ever they needed to go. every year it is te same thing! i want to relax and someone always has to ruin it. call me mean or whatever but i was home to relax. something i have been wanting to do for a very long time but no! i had to do other things then relax. i don’t think i ever can remember a time when we have had no interruptions and been able to celebrate this thankful day in peace. i am not angry just a little annoyed that this always happens. but i am over it and going to sleep. i hope all had a wonderful thanksgiving holiday break. good night and happy dreaming.


thanks for ruining my thanksgiving. this was a day for me to relax, not to be a tour guide or a hotel. i love how i am automatically volunteered to follow through with something without being consulted and i am expected to be happy about it. yeah thanks so much.


have done all i can. have to wait and see what happens next. what a day, i am super tired and got lots to do tomorrow, i wish i didn’t but i do, last minute things to pick up before heading home. needing to go to sleep because if i don’t i am afraid i will not wake up on time in the morning. hope all had a good day and happy birthday to all my friends who had a birthday today. on that note, good night, sleep well and sweet dreams.


papers. papers. papers. so much trees being used up today. have stayed away from my computer all day until a few hours ago. today was just handed a boat load of work and on top of that i already have work to do for school. i decided to stay home and head to work early. they had told me to brace myself. i really thought they were joking. i was wrong. when someone sounds sincere they mostly are telling the truth. i was told what ever i didn’t finish to come in tomorrow to finish up. i didn’t want to decline the offer because i think it was a test to see how far i can be pushed, i did let them know even though it was a holiday i still had class to go to in the morning. i will be there after school to finish up. as the day came to an end i knew what was ahead. well not really because i got a feeling to read. read i did. it had been a while since looking at a few things, once you are blocked there is not much you can do but wonder. i tried wishing for certain things but when that failed me i started wishing for things to happen. in a way they were granted. i am very happy they did. i think that now that you are back in my life i can stop worrying about how you are and can ask you instead of imagining the worst. i am taking this leap to reach out in baby steps. i don’t want to ruin or rub the world in the wrong way. when you really left me it felt like the whole world did too. even my best friend stopped talking with me. no one was talking to me and i was going to school with no ambition to continue but i stuck with it because i have paid for classes out of my pocket and need them to graduate. but i can graciously say that today has gotten so much better. i think i just needed someone to spill some stuff too and before i texted you my best friend called me, but recently got in touch with me a few days before i went camping and has slightly refrained from being distant. i have seen too many papers for a day that i am taking a break from writing my reports and going to bed. it is tmie for bed and you have made my day from crappy to way way way better. i do wish i could say something but i wont. thanks. have a great night and very much sweet dreams. missed you so.


what a quick day today was. everything from waking up early to even getting ready and heading to school. staying after to finish a test and heading to work. even at work they asked me what was wrong with me because i looked like a speed demon. i was hitting everything and knocking it out with unbearable speeds. it was as if i had eyes in every direction and a hundred arms. it was awesome. i have never finished work so fast before. and ti top it off i asked for more work to do. who asks for more work?! well i did and i was looked at as a person who was insane. with many little things to do i was able to knock those out. stayed a little after work talking to some coworkers. i was only able to hear a short brief of their life stories because i had to run to the stores. friday came up faster then i was expecting it. i am heading to the camp grounds tomorrow after work. no technology. which means a back draft of my post for that day. my first one ever. i will just be me and nature for a day to relax. relaxing is all i am doing oh and of course writing and documenting everything. from what i have looked up some adventure are in my midst. i am excited. as i write this right now i am sipping on some tea and getting drowsy. it is looking like a way early night for me. i am officially done with my tea and soon to be done writing. i love you. i love you. i love you. i am grateful to have each and everyone of you in my life, no matter the circumstances. i know you may never hear it from my mouth but i mean it with all of my heart. thank you. well folks, i hope y’all had a great day. it is time for some sleep. good night and sweet dreams.

dance O_o