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Tag Archives: quote

“I’ll be there for you. Until you find someone better, find someone who can give you more, I’ll be there. I’ll always be there. Whether it’s late at night or early in the morning, you’ll always have me. I know that I’m not the greatest, I’m not the most talented, or have the most things, but I’ll be there, until you find someone who can do more for you. That’s who I am, the friend that’s always there until something better comes along.”

the heart is the capital of the mind. the mind is a single state. the heart and the mind together make a single continent. – E. Dickinson

today was just another day just like any other, except for the part where our professor dropped the research bomb on us and it is due in twenty days. i have to write a five page paper on my topic on a canyon. in the americas dated way back in time. on top of that i need a cover, map, five pictures and a works cited page. she is expecting us to turn in a book. lol. went to work after class. i was surprised because i woke up really early and got everything i needed without being in a slight rush. i also had a few minutes that i added some quotes i stumbled upon from checking out some books the other day. i have three that i need to get started on but might have to wait since i will have to write my own book. while at work everyone is starting to getting to know me better, they more people are asking me; since i am young, if there are tips to get things done faster on the computer, it is fun talking but it is strange that they don’t know when i try to explain. looks like not just when your young you need help, it apparently ranges from all ages. after work i took a power nap, was rejuvenated enough to begin searching on some of the research. it is a lot of information for on just one topic. i sort of am already trying to figure out what i will say when i present. that part will be fun. i will have a slideshow and other stuff that will blow everyone out the water, i hope. i think i have handled just about enough of my research for one day. got some good information and some not so good. sorting begins soon. i hope all had a better day. good night and sweet dreams.

sueno O_o

“quando deves de hablar, no hablas” y “la lengua defiende el gaznate”


what a right, left, up and down kind of day. woke up and went to class, it was cancelled. i jumped right back into bed and left everything alone and was down for the count. woke back up and make a quick snack and changed and headed out. i know our meeting was strange, i just wasn’t sure on my time and if i would be able to make my mark. i was able to make it through traffic and make it there with a little extra time then expected. was called in and was out of there a while later. began reading a book i had been meaning to read and have gotten halfway through it. by the time i got home it began to pour. moments later got a call, was unpleasant. now i have got to try for my next choice. i am really hoping for this one, i don’t think i will ever be able to win everyone over. was worth a shot (pun intended). while browsing i saw this and feel i should post it.

“the more you nurture a feeling of loving-kindness, the happier and calmer you will be.” -Dalai Lama

i hope all had a great day. to all i wish them a good night and to dream that dream.

always around O_o

have felt like a ghost all day today, even after school. as if i wasn’t even around. people passed by me and nothing. what can one do?!

“be the change you want to see in the world”

i saw this today and it has me thinking. thinking of things i could never see myself doing, until now! i have been able to accomplish a good amount of goals in my life. but while thinking i wrote down a small time capsule like note to myself, hope it is a good thing. i also came across another saying in a book.

“no man can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true” — Hawthorne

kind of reminds me of something i saw on a television show several months ago. it did work for the character; but then again it was just good television. let’s see if i can accomplish this. small baby steps for now. see you soon. have a good night…friends. & family.

tuyyo O_o

it’s quite funny how this quote; “just when you’ve had enough, life gives you more. And just when you think it’s rained enough, it starts to pour.” — Bob Moorehead, makes so much sense today. just as we thought we helped out my uncle with his stuff, it turns out we were mistaken. turns out he needs another test, he might have a second tumor on the opposite side of his liver. it news that keeps getting worse. it sucks and i really hope everything gets better. with that, i hope everyone stays safe and well.

to good health O_o

to sleep or not to sleep? that is the question, i now understand a bit more of my math work and all i had to do was ask questions after class, i have always felt embarrassed to ask, for one it was something so simple that i could probably have easily spent some time and browse through the book to find it and second because i have always felt that asking questions and getting help means i am incompetent and unable to get understand thoroughly. but today, for the first time in forever, i put my pride aside and stayed after class to ask the professor some questions because i needed help and that help would come in handy for tomorrows test. even with doing homework and notes it is still a bit difficult to understand so many formulas and steps that need to be followed before coming up with the simple answer. while i was running in the park trying to clear my brain of all the work i have been putting into my school work i felt that i needed to turn my attention my pain away from my bran and distract it for the time being before diving right in again. i still need a bit more help, if there is anyone out there that would like to scratch off a good deed of their list, i would really like some help! i saw this today and couldn’t help but write it down. “i am the master of my fate & i am the captain of my soul.” – Nelson Mandela (from the movie Invictus) was a great inspirational quote and was a great movie. i would like to one day say something that would be inspirational and would be used by others after i am gone. in conclusion i think i want to stay up and study like i have never studied before to get an “A” on my test tomorrow, should i or should i get rest and try my best?!

knowledge is power O_o

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Here is a list of Top 10 Country songs that I have deliberated for 3 hours.

  1. Meyberry – Rascal Flatts
  2. Amazed – Lonestar
  3. Winner At A Losing Game – Rascal Flatts
  4. Stay With Me (Brass Bed) – Josh Gracin
  5. Live Like You Were Dying – Tim McGraw
  6. She’s My Kind of Rain – Tim McGraw
  7. Carrying You Love – George Strait
  8. Nothin’ To Lose – Josh Gracin
  9. Mud On The Tires – Brad Paiseley
  10. Boot Scootin’ Boogie – Brooks & Dunn

After much deliberation, thats my Top 10 list.


I was driving and was coming up to the light at hilderbran and blanco (where my aunt lives near by) and a old guy with glasses and a long with beard was in front of me and asked if i could take him somewhere and the light turned green, I punched the gas but was going very slowly, look in the side mirror to see him trying to get in the back seat of my car and not saying anything, tried to shake the car to knock him off but no go he got inside and I slowed down and asked him to get out of my car 3 times. then I woke up to a racing heart.

what the hell does this mean?


“No a loser isn’t actually a person who loses — we all lose at times. A loser is someone who throws it all away knowing better” – Unknown