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Tag Archives: direction

what a right, left, up and down kind of day. woke up and went to class, it was cancelled. i jumped right back into bed and left everything alone and was down for the count. woke back up and make a quick snack and changed and headed out. i know our meeting was strange, i just wasn’t sure on my time and if i would be able to make my mark. i was able to make it through traffic and make it there with a little extra time then expected. was called in and was out of there a while later. began reading a book i had been meaning to read and have gotten halfway through it. by the time i got home it began to pour. moments later got a call, was unpleasant. now i have got to try for my next choice. i am really hoping for this one, i don’t think i will ever be able to win everyone over. was worth a shot (pun intended). while browsing i saw this and feel i should post it.

“the more you nurture a feeling of loving-kindness, the happier and calmer you will be.” -Dalai Lama

i hope all had a great day. to all i wish them a good night and to dream that dream.

always around O_o

today i received some new that caught me off guard, while i went to school to attempt talk to my director of my program about graduation, the receptionist told me he was out and there was another professor just down several offices. i went, it was my old professor from a class i had taken several years go, i never forget a face like his; he looks like a slim version of santa claus. lol i got to asking him a few questions i still had unanswered and attempted to try to enroll in the internship program, not everyone can get right into it, there is a special hold that the director has to take off in order to be signed up for it. he asked about my classes and let him know that i was ready to almost graduate and maybe finish by december. well he dropped a nuclear bomb on me and asked if i had known about another program that also was available but never thrown in the direction to students just starting off (freshman). it really got me thinking, all it is, is another two classes and a second internship and i would be able to receive two degrees. but i would have to stay another semester. i told him about my future plans and encouraged me to step it up a notch and dedicate myself to my studies if i want to follow through with this given opportunity. i am going for it! it is two degrees in a year, i have worked hard but not hard enough, i know this is my second chance at school and have to kick ass instead of kicking my own ass for not going to school, like i did a year ago. school is great and i like learning, i just have to keep interest and not get fried or burnt out of it. i have to go back on the ninth of august to make sure everything is in order. in conclusion the mountain is in front of me and now it is time for the climb. (reminds me of her song lol)

the climb begins O_o