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Tag Archives: lesson

continuing from my other post. the more my parents talk about what happened the more angrier i got with my family. well actually i am more disgusted with them. i can’t stand when people segregate or discriminate for what ever reason. i know i have said it when i was younger and never knew the connotation behind it until one day i was threatened with my life and it is when i asked the principal what it meant. she explained to me what it was and ever since then had learned my lesson.

on a side note i am just glad that my parents and rest of the family is home safely. i had completed everything i needed to do while my parents were away and what they asked me to do too. i was a little inspired and started on a new project that will debut soon. i hope all had a good day, it is late and going to fall asleep soon. good night and sweet dreams.


what a day. woke up to the alarm blowing up in my ear. i would have said good morning but the cable lines were frozen and my internet was down because of it. took my final and went home, started on my reports and felt like some coffee, i was already out of it. i had one scoop which couldn’t make me two cups. rushed to the store and it had failed me, the coffee i wanted was out. i know it is now illegal to text while driving but had to respond back, didn’t want you to think something happened to me. i was okay just driving. i went to my next favorite place to shop. found what i wanted and by the time i knew it i was home faster then anything to try to get home before traffic started up. had my coffee and continued on my report. tumbler was crying and since it was early and i was home i decided to go running early. i pushed my limit. i was going to hurt but need to keep my cardiovascular up to keep my heart healthy. i had a scare the other day, nothing serious but scary. while i was typing away i lost track of my battery life and drained my battery twice today. i am finished with five report out of seven total. two more to go and due friday and i also have one more final to go. i hope all had a good day. i am okay. time for me to sleep. have a good night and sweet dreams.


started off my day really early; like six o’clock early. took the dog out and stayed outside watching the people zooming by to get to work or school. the neighborhood was filled with cars and buses, i also stayed outside watching the sun rise, hadn’t done that since i have stopped working overnight. went inside and began getting ready for school, just threw something together really fast, ironed the clothes and began making breakfast, had wheat organic toast with blackberry spread. when i finished with that i was in search for socks for twenty minutes, not sure what had happened to them because i had done my laundry over the weekend. i finally had found them and threw my shoes on really fast and headed out the door, classes are getting more and more interesting everyday. it is awesome! day went on reading, writing, thinking, naping, snacking and eating. turned out to be an okay day. got school tomorrow that i am excited to goto, weird; i know! lol. my friend came over to drop off a show that i had been asked to see. started it and i hope this can help me see how gangs interaction works to make a lesson out of it; even for possibly a publication or dissertation. thanks everyone who gave me back feedback for my mixxx i released. love you folks. have a great night and sweet dreams.


i’m continuing to watch this movie, over heard this saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and it stuns me that society does tell us what we have to look. Why can’t we just be who we want to be?! I have this feeling that everyone around judges and i don’t mind it but it keeps reminding me of a song lyric “its funny how someone else success brings pain, when your no longer involved that person has it all and your just stuck there, just standing there.” I know I am not perfect and lack few qualities but I am doing my best and can only do so much, I AM TRYING, it is the only thing I know how to do. Can you [ACCEPT] this?
