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Tag Archives: trend

my times have changed, was talking with my little cousin and she began spilling everything about the family but that is a whole different story, asked her about school, mind you she is only 10 years old and knows quite a bit, she said she had just graduated from the the 5th grade; I never got that luxury; asked her about trends, people, etc. and what she told me was a whole new different version of what I used to wear in the fifth grade, now it is all about trends and fads. I told her instead of following the trend, be the trend setter, let everyone copy your style. told her what kind of clothes to wear, nothing drastic, just hipster-trendy. she now got it in her head that she wants to set a hipster trend, it is kind of crazy how society tells us how we should look. I personally have completely changed my wardrobes many of times but like the style I have been wearing for a while now. plain and simple. in conclusion, we need to remain to be true to ourselves as one.

to seeing change in the new O_o